
Qahli Nuzoka

Qahli Nuzoka

Owner and Founder

Age: 44

Gender: Trans woman (She/Her)

Bio: Probably better known by her nom de plum Rebecca Steele, Qahli is a prolific romance author, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. After some eight novels and countless accolades, she decided to take a hiatus from writing and open a cabaret which became the Fiery Nut Tavern and Theatre.

N'yumi Nunh

N'yumi Nunh


Age: 38

Gender: Trans woman (She/Her)

Bio: A former Nunh of the Aldgoat, she left her tribe with a friend seeking refuge and acceptance in Ul'dah. After some attempts at becoming an adventurer, she was hired as a bodygaurd at a local club. Ever since then, she's worked as a bartender, bouncer, and manager for several establishments.

Elaith Malaguld

Elaith Malaguld


Age: 26

Gender: Femboy (He/Him)

Bio: Born in the Steppe, Elaith moved to Eorzea to fratenize with powerful merchants and nobles. With the contacts he's gained, he's set up a textile shipping empire. Most nights he can be found either serving or dancing at the Nut or attending to his business.

Liakrana Malaguld

Liakrana Malaguld


Age: 26

Gender: Femboy (He/They)

Bio: A soft-spoke boi from the Steppe, Lia has been employed at the Nut since his arrival in Eorzea. Most evenings he can be found behind the bar, slinging slings and chatting it up.

J'majha Tia

J'majha Tia


Age: 29

Gender: Femboy (He/They)

Bio: Loud, brash, and nigh unemployable, Majha comes from Ala Ghiri and bring with him all the boisterous energy and profanity you would expect from a longtime resident of Ala Mhigo.

N'tsuki Tia

N'tsuki Tia


Age: 22

Gender: Femboy (She/Her)

Bio: After leaving her tribe and homeland the young femboy travelled to become a thaumaturge apprentice, aiming for becoming a adventurer, not always a easy journey, but she been trying to enjoy life and when can pay some bills.

Ayame Sasaki

Ayame Sasaki


Age: 19

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Bio: The daughter of a rich merchant from Kugane. She speaks softly and always has a bright smile on her face. She can be found most nights attending guests or wandering between Ul'dah and Ishgard.




Age: 24

Gender: Femboy (He/Him)

Bio: Don't believe this man, he is very gay and very feminine. He's the singer and guitarist for Riju's band, pretty handy with keys as well though he won't admit it. -Yumi

N'riju Tia

N'riju Tia

Kitchen Assistant

Age: 19

Gender: Femboy (he/him)

Bio: As Yumi's eldest and fresh out of the tribe, Riju's been helping in the kitchens since he arrived. Outside of the Nut, Riju works for Elaith and is attending fashion design classes.

Yukino Kizo

Yukino Kizo


Age: 38

Gender: Non-Binary (She/Her/They/Them)

Bio: With a long and distinguished career as an inventor, Yukino's life had been monotone for quite some years. Some say her current proclivity is simply making up lost time, becoming an entertainer simply due to her bedroom antics.

N'tajha Tia

N'tajha Tia


Age: 37

Gender: Trans Woman (She/Her)

Bio: The resident head chef, Tajha is responsible for cooking and prepping most of the meals. The Matron of the Nut, as she's referred to, spends her free time playing bocce and lounging in the hot springs.

Zizzy Spice

Zizzy Spice


Age: 25

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Bio: Zizzy is a spicy chef and bard! As an ex-poacher she often goes on hunts in search of exotic meats to test new recipes on. Feisty and will throw her frying pan at you if you insult her cooking! Whimsical and carefree, when relaxing with friends she might pull out her violin to play a tune.

M'eirwyn Nunh

M'eirwyn Nunh

Pastry Chef

Age: 27

Gender: Femboy (he/him)

Bio: Also known as the Marshal, Eirwyn bakes the pastries and bread used at the Nut. When he's not working in the kitchens, Eirwyn can be found somewhere around Maelstrom command, in his garden, or fishing.

Chaghadai Buduga

Chaghadai Buduga


Age: 23

Gender: Femboy (He/Him)

Bio: Tajha's assistant Chag has been with the Nut for a few years now. Originally from the Steppe, he emigrated here looking for purpose and found his calling in the lucrative spice trade.

N'ikumi Nunh

N'ikumi Nunh


Age: 30

Gender: Enby (they/them/she/her)

Bio: As a veteran of the Ala Mhigan Resistance and a former member of the Fists of Rhalgr, N'ikumi was one of the best choices for one of the Nut's bouncers. They also are the head of Elaith's security.

Y'talhdi Mhasi

Y'talhdi Mhasi


Age: 31

Gender: Cis-woman (she/her)

Bio: Former co-owner and current doctor, if you have a boo-boo you go see Miss Talhdi and she'll fix it right up. She'll also give you a lolipop if you're good.

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